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Interview Questions for QA Engineer.

Interview Questions for QA Engineer.

Interview Questions for GS Labs Pune.

Smoke testing?
Analytical question.
Suppose you have 9 marbles each of weight 10gm but one is weighing 9 gm. You have only balance but no weight. In how many less attempts you can find the faulty marble?
Bug tracking tool?
What is regression testing?
Write the use cases for a movie ticketing system.
What will you prefer when a bug has
S1 P2?
S2 P3 ?
What is priority and severity of bug?
Bug metric index?
Have you done performance testing? What is it?
What is block level I/O and File Level I/O?
What is iSCSI?
Write a SQL query to modify the field named Name of the table. How will you do it?
What is bluearc? What is its structure?
What is web testing?
What is the role/involvement of QA in whole life cycle of product development?
What is waterfall and agile ?

Interview Questions for Symantec Pune.

How can you determine what is server and a storage server? what makes them different?

What will you do when a NFS export or a location where file is kept(it can be a dll file or any zip file) has a file and you are copying from the given location.When you are running the file or unzipping it it was found corrupt. What will do to investigate that why file is corrupted?

If you have to perform QA that which one is better to compress text file having 1GB size or a image file 25KB size? On what basis you will decide which one can word efficiently when unzipping the file?

Suppose you have a web page let say yahoo where data are keep changing every second. You have to test this web page that the data apperaing earlier is same or different as after a interval(for eg : it can b a milisec/sec). Lets take an example of google, if you have searched 10 days back and now you are performing  the same search then the data appearing will be different. Then how can you determine that the data are different. what should be your baselin to validate the web page where data are dynamic which is keep changing in a milisec. How will you proceed?

Interview Questions for Symantec Pune -Veritas Volume Manager for Linux OS

Command to see the current kernel version on Linux.
Which latest kernel of SLES 11-SP4 you have tested.
How to configure dump in Linux.
How to analyze dump in Linux.
How to extract rpm package in Linux.
How to see the content of a rpm package without installing rpm package.
How to configure Static and Dynamic IP address in Linux.
Difference between character level device and block level devices.
What IQN number in iSCSI.
What are the types of files in Linux (File Type)
Write a program for printing n number of fibonacci series.
How will you analyze the problem and trobleshoot it when a host is not pinggable?
What are the four hardware requires for bootup?
How will you identify that two linked list is merged in between?
How stripping in RAID improves performance.
Command to view memory usage in Linux.
Service core vs system dump in Linux.
What is RAID 10 (Mirro + stripping) and RAID (Dedicated Parity)
Write a program to add two number and validate input should be of integer type in C.
How to ensure the file is copied from source to target is consistent?
Block level I/O vs File Level I/O
How block size of a filesystem is decided?
Waterfall model Vs Agile.
What is SCRUM. What will you do if a task is not finished in a sprint. How will you track the task?
Hardlink vs Softlink in Linux
What will happen if orginal file of hardlink or softlink is deleted?
What is HBA and why it is used?
 iSCSI Vs Fiber Channel
What is iSCSI?
What is CIFS and NFS ?
What is runlevel? What are its scripts? Where does runlevel file present.
Have you configure RAID?
What is Soft Zoning?
What are the miniumn partitions required to boot a host.
Booting procedure in Linux
How to assign static IP Adress to a host in Linux
Why #! is used? What will happen if a shell script missing it?
What will be the output $? and $#
Why swap area is required? How it works?
What will you do when you got S1+P1 bug before 1 day of release? How will you convince the Dev team to fix it. What will be your answer for late finding of defect?
What is LUN?
 How do you debug a script in linux?
How will you ensure that crash has been happend and machine has come up after the reboot.
What is console(serial console device)?

Interview Questions for TomTom Pune.

What are the quality to be a good QA?
What is white box and black box testing.
Why you are looking for a job in tomtom?

 written test :

1)  Data is given in a file and asked to display the duplicate data.
2)  Data are given in two file and asked to display the data common in both file.
3)  Write a test case for the UI form for report generation.
4) Tabular data is give containing fields : value_id,latitude,longitude,time and trace_id

Interview Questions for IBM ISL Pune.

What is filesystem
What is zoning and types of zoing (hardware zoning and software zonig)
Lun masking
What is the function of mount command
What are the partitions you select when installing linux ?
What is swap partition
What is inode ? does inode contain name of the file ?
What are links ? what are soft and hard links explain in detail
Does NAS has the operating system ?
What is the difference between NAS operating system and standalone operating system ?
What is SAMBA server and how do u configure it ?
What are the default permissions for file and directory for normal user and root user ?
When do we use cifs and nfs protocols ?
What is root squashing.
What are the flags while mounting the nfs export ?
What is /etc/fstab ?
What will be test case to test filesystem, nfs export ?
What are the important fileds while filing the defects ?
What is OSI model, explain each layer.
What is subnetting ?
Whats the role of router ?
21) what is first line in shell script ?

Next round questions :

1) what is validation and verification ?
2) How to configure "NFS" server ?
3) What is the difference between regression testing and smoke testing ?
4) what is virtualization ?
5) How to trouble shoot the problems of NFS server ?
6) If the server gets rebooted what will happen, will the mount point exist ?

Interview Questions for Redhat Pune.

You have to test a test case in which when server goes down then the client get a popup that server is unable to reach. There are two ways to do it
1) By bringing down the server
2) Discconnecting the client from server by unplugging the cable.
But server could not be get down as other users are using it and client can't unplugged the cable as it is connected to test selenium server.

Now tell how can you test this test cases?

You have a directoray say "/dir" under /home/dir, it has its ownership and permission associated with it. /dir has has its subfolder and files in it.
Other users are also using /dir having thier own permissions and ownership. This dir has to get copied on other location say /home/root. How will you ensue that the the ownership and permission will be entact when /dir is recursively copied.

What commmands have you used for installing softwares on linux? (have you used yum)

What is the difference between the JVM,JDK & JRE?

What is the difference between the interface and abstract class?

What are modifiers in Java?

How to change default browser in selenium.

What is difference between web server and application server?

What are testing types you have worked?

Which command you use to find out the port number is used by an application?

Interview Questions for Redhat Bangalore for project "GlusterFS".

In which File is Static IP address given so that it becomes Permanent?

To Check Which Service is running at Present in System what is the Command?
service –status-all
ps –ef

How to trace any process background processing?
ps -aux

How to build new filesystem ? and what is irig file system?
mke2fs /dev/hda(sda)

Which command is used to see all the system configuration?
like hardware, HDD, memory etc.
lspci -vv

What is the difference between Telnet and SSH?
ssh is a secured shell, where telnet is not a secured
one.when you ssh to trasnfer data between a system, the data
will be send in the encrypted form, where the hacker cannot
encode or decode it. While you telnet,the data send between
the system is alphabetical format(ASCII), where every one
can understand. More over as per network security, telnet
and ftp are prohibited. Always, trust SSL based data transfer.

What is the difference between unix and linux…
graphics is the main difference
extra more command are in linux
userfriendly then unix

What is mean by raid and what are all raids available even in software and hardware?
Raid Stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks.It is
a set of Technology standards for Teamingup DiskDrives to
improve Performence and FaultTolerance. Totally there are 6
levels in Raid
0 – stripping
1 – Mirroring
2 – Stripping and Mirroring
3 – Onfficially Not Defined
4 – Striping with Differential Parity
5 – Striping with Distributional Parity

Why the kernel panic error was appearing?
kernel panic acured when linux kernel can not communicat with any hardware or any OS related file
What are the main differences between RHEL4 & RHEL5?
Of course RHEL5 security is the main advantage than RHEL4
in RHEL5 it has the updates like XEN, Yum and many
additional packages which supports all the third party softwares

How To Hide the FTP Version?
Stop httpd service.

What is difference between inetd and xinetd ?
The major difference between inetd and the newer xinetd is that inetd uses a single configuration file, with one line per service, while xinetd uses a configuration directory, with one file per service

What is LILO?
LILO stands for Linux boot loader. It will load the MBR, master boot record, into the memory, which tell the system which partition and hard drive to boot.

Why accounting Software does not support on linux?
Bcoz the accounting software is have .exe file. And linux doesn’t support .exe file. so accounting software does not support on linux.

How to give 2 different gateway IP addresses for 2 different interfaces in same system ?
route add -net netmask gw dev eth0
route add -net netmask gw dev eth1

How does the boot process[init levels] work on Linux?
Please read http://komallambastha.blogspot.in/p/linux-concepts.html for details.

What is the difference between an argument and an option/switch?
option specifies the command how to run
arguement specifies the command on what to run

How to send automated email to a set of people at fixed time ?
Just create a alias of people and create a command file and create a crond entry.

What is the minimum number of partitions you need to install Linux?

There are 4 network Interfaces, how can we find which one is Primary ?
When you type the command netstat -nr in your shell, youwill find a line starting with Something like UG 0 0 0 eth0
This line indicates if the system tries to contact a network outside its local network. It will first contact the router and it does it with the primary interface. Hence in this case its eth0. So you can check this line for the primary interface

What is the difference between home directory and working directory?
Home directory is one over which user have complete control and it is its default working directory when its logs in. while the working directory is the users current directory which may or may not be his home directory.

How can you see all mounted drives?
we can see all mounted drives
#df -Th

How to check all open ports on linux machine and block unsed ports?
open ports – nmap localhost
block unsed ports -
#nmap -v localhost for tcp
#nmap -sU localhost for udp

What are RPM?s, what do they offer?
The full form of RPM is Redhat Package Manager. rpm is a powerful Package Manager, which can be used to build,install, query, verify, update, and erase individual software packages. A package consists of an archive of files and meta-data used to install and erase the archive files.

You want to create a compressed backup of the users’ home directories. What utility should you use?
tar -cvzf user.tar.gz /home/user

What utility can you use to automate rotation of logs?

How u use the iptable firewall to restrict ssh,telnet,ftp ?
iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp –dport -j REJECT/DROP/DENY

What file should you examine to determine the defined runlevels for your system?

What is the name and path of the main system log?
var/log/messages - system log messages can be seen here
/var/log/dmesg - Kernel boot log messages can view

Interview Questions for Red-Hat Bangalore - Automation Engineer.

Round 1:

Different filesystem : XFS properties and its implementation.

RAID/LVM implementation.

Fault tolerance

Cluster : multipathing.

Replication : distributed replication. Why we need and What is it? Explain with an example.

How to determine the content within directory . For calculating checksum, what are the tool available. : incron/incrontab

What is Backup. Explain in detailed manner.

What is Snapshot. Explain in detailed manner.

Decoraters in python?

Define class in python?

AWS : this ques was based on resume so its a resume specific of candidate.

Scalibilty and elasticity of storage hardware.

Unit test document format

Round 2:

RAID Level/Dis-advantage of raid level compared to previous level.

How do you perform parity calculation?

LVM : how to add new disk in Physical Vol without shutting down the running storage? Which command you use?

Difference between Cloud and Traditional Data Center. Why Cloud is better?

Difference between Soft link and Hard Link based in inode concept? Creating hardlink/softlink keeps the inode number is same or different?

How to create directory recursively in one command?

Which command is used to copy the data from one server to server?

Your PC is running very slow after sometime of launching the app. System is responding very slow. What will be the initial troubleshooting steps?

Which command is used to find CPU usage.

How would OS comes to know that the pen-drive is inserted. Which mechanism is used to identify a new hardware is attached with PC.

What is STLC?

In what technology you are good, explain it in short.

Can you mention one bug which is one of the best bug of your career.

Round 3:

$ Fully based on Automation Skills.

$ Ask to Write program in any language candidate is comfortable.

$ Selenium specific question.

$ Listeners and Interfaces of Selenium.

Interview Questions for McAfee Gurgaon for project "Solidcore".

What is SAN VS NAS.

What is web-server VS web application?

How duplicate values of a table can be displayed using SQL query.

How to update three field empid,ename and eaddr from the table with new values.

What is the difference between thread and process.


i) There are 8 balls out of which one is of less wt and all are of equal wt. Find the faulty ball.
ii) You have got someone working for you for 7 days and a gold bar to pay them. The gold bar is segmented into 7 connected peices. You must give them a peice of gold bar at the end of everyday. If you are only allowed to make 2 breaks in gold bar, how do you pay your worker?

iii) There is 5 lit bucket and 3 liter bucket. How 4 lit of water can be calculated.
Write a test cases for a triangle.

Next round questions :

Booting procedure in Linux.

What is CMOS in boot process?

Where boot-loader is present in Linux?

What are the super,boot and data block of a file system?

What are the differences between EXT2 and EXT3 file system?

What is journaling of file system?

Puzzles :

i) There is a wall in a pit which is 20 ft long. One spider is fell in the pit, Spider need to come out of the pit. When spider starts jumping. it climbes 5ft and slip down by 3ft. Then tell in how many attempts spider will reach at the top?

ii) There are 25 horses and 5 tracks. What is the minimum number of races required to find the top 3 fastetst horses. There is no stop watch and no overlapping races are allowed.

iii) There are three adjacent room having two door only. In first room there is a dragon and in last room is made of glass which attains boiling temperature during day time where a man cannot survive. A man is trapped in second room. One 5 meter wooden stick has been provided to the man. If man opens the first door then dragon will kill him & if man goes to the last room, he'll die due to high temperature. Now tell the solution how man will came out from the room?

Last Round :

How inode number is used to keep track of data?

Where the meta data of directory is stored?

How super block is used to recover the deleted or corrupted data?

What is HBA?

If your anti-virus database is expired or not updated  and one binary is infected by virus then what will you do to prevent the host from infection?

What is quarantine?

Can two files have same indoe number? If yes then in which case?

What are the differences between hardlink and softlink?

What feature will you test in an application for non-functional testing?

What function will you test in an anti-virus?

What should be an example of performance,functional,stress,load testing etc.

Why Linux is preferred as compared to Windows?

Does other filesystem supports journalling of file system in any operating system except ext3?

What are the important features which make Linux good as compared to other operating system?

Interview Questions for Calsoft Pvt Ltd Pune


How can I execute XenServer xe commands using linux machine

What is the difference between VMware and XenServer

What is paravirtulization?


How much you will rate yourself out of 1-5 in linux?

Tell me how to configure firewall in linux

Do you know about iptables in linux?

How to check RPM contents without installing rpm.

What is default runlevel in linux (Ans 3)

What is snapshot?

If I have VM of 50 GB, what will be size of VM snapshot? Will that be same as of VM? If yes why? If not then why?

What is Journaling of file system?

What is TOP command?

What is Active Directory and what are its advantages?

What is inode number in Linux?

What are the importances of /etc/fstab /etc/passwd and /etc/inittab file?

How to change run level using command line?

What is the command to create file system in linux?

What is root squashing?

How NFS exports works?

What is the meaning of command interpreter (#!) in a shell script?

What is the difference between hard link and soft link?

What will be the troubleshooting scenario when a machine is pingable on network but not able to get connected?

Explain booting procedure in linux.

Why HBA is used?


Do you CIFS protocol?

In SMB share what protocol is used?

Once u mount iSCSI lun to VM what is the file system of that LUN? Any OS present on that LUN?

What is RAID 5 and its purpose

In RAID 0 or RAID 1 performance is better? How?

How to configure RAID?

Have you used any I/O tools for NFS testing?

What is iSCSI and what you did in that?

What is zoning and why it is used?

What is multipathing?

Have you used any backup tool? Netapp backup etc?


What is Regression testing and Resting and which one is priority one?

What type of testing you do?

What is Waterfall/Agile model?

Differences between different types of testing like black box vx white box etc.

Clarice Technologies Pune : Interview question for Sr. QA Engineer

Round 1:

What is test data?

What is Boundary value analysis and equivalence partitioning?

Write a test case to test a marker pen.

When can you say enough testing has been completed for a feature?

What is testing lifecycle?

Write a test case to test an application for VOIP.
There are two features: Audio chat : it has two buttons ON and OFF and Video Chat : it has two buttons ON and OFF.

Differentiate between hardlink vs softlink

Difference between SAN and NAS

Puzzle: There are two candles; each takes time to get burn completely is 1 hour when lighted from single end. Both candles can be lighted from top and bottom end. Measure the 45 mins using both the candle.

Round 2: Final round

Draw the architecture of NAS storage server.

How data are stored at disk?

Which Bug will you pick P1-S2 or S1-P2 and why?

Explain priority and severity of a bug.

When to use SAN/NAS and why?

Scenario : There is 3 window for movie ticketing counter. All three window are connected to a web server and web sever is connected through a database at the backend. Write 10 important test cases to test this system.

Puzzle: There are three boxes containing Apple, Orange and Mixed fruit separately. The labeling is done wrong for all three boxes. You have to draw only one fruit from any three boxes once and correct the label of each boxes based on it.

Vaultize Technologies Pune : Interview question for Sr. QA Engineer

What is defect life cycle?

Create test plan for testing a Drop Box?

What is verification and Validation?

What thing you will consider if a share is create on one machine and user is accessing it from other machine? 
How will you test it?

How TCP communication happens. Explain.

Difference between SAN and NAS.

Difference between CIFS/NFS.

What are the RAID Levels.

Explain iSCSI and its component.

Explain Priority and Severity of a bug with an example.

If you do not want user to access particular file in folder, how will you do it as a Admin ?

If you want to delete a file which is being used by user, Which factors will you consider ?

What is performance testing ?

Few generic Linux commands like Top/tail/grep/mount/uname.

What are run-levels in Linux.

What is difference between http and https?

What is Regression testing?

Write different types of test cases for the following scenario.

Scenario : Test an application when a non-admin user tries to perform deletion of data which require approval of two admin person. An email must be sent to the 2-Admin person for data deletion request. For successful data deletion both admin should accept the request otherwise no data will be deleted. If any one admin rejects the request data cannot be deleted.

What are the information you will provide to developer while raising a defect?

If you want to resolve the conflict between team members , how will you do it ?

What will you do for increasing team interaction?

What can be test scenarios or test plan for testing "Whatsapp" application ?

What will be the test scenarios for login screen on any web site having username and password field. What enhancement will you suggest to developer for this login screen ?

What are the factors needs to be tested for Password field.

Write 5 testcases for sending SMS from one user to other?

What will your courses of action to create awareness before your product is getting released?

What you will manage if you have crunch of time for testing and you needed to finish the testing?

How will you do the test estimation? What are the testcases will you consider for testing?

How will you start creating test scenarios when feature requirement are available but feature is not yet developed?

What do you know about Vaultize ?

What processes have you used for test case management? How will you create documents ?

Interview Questions for SEP-Symantec End-point Protection Pune.

1. Basics of DNS ? What is DNS and how it works
2. What is Reverse Lookup, Resource Record, Forwarder
3. What is Zone / SOA / PTR Records
4. What is AD-integrated Zones
5. What are Stub Zones
6. What is
7. Types of DNS queries ?
8. DNS Port No
9. How to Trobuleshoot DNS, Tools used
10. WINS Server
11. What is "."

1. What is DHCLP ?
2. DHCP Process
3. DHCP Scope and its Types
4. DHCP Ports
5. Benefits of DHCP
6. Difference in DHCP and DNS

1. What is Windows Server
2. What is tattooing
4. RAID in windows
6. Common Protocol and Port No's

1.  What is AD
2. Domain, Forest, OU, Trust, Sites
3. Domain Controller
4. Difference in AD & LDAP
5. Difference in Guest Account and other accounts
6. Troubleshooting AD
7. AD requirements
8. Backup of AD
9. AD Database location, files

1. Stress Testing in Current Project - Scenarios / Implementation
2. Negative Testing in Current Project - Scenarios / Implementation
2. Client Server Architecture
3. Stress Testing in Cloud Environment - Scenarios / Implementation
4. Negative Test Cases Executed
5. How to use WireShark
6. OSI Model
7. Basics of Programming Language as per your expertise in it.

Interview Questions for Qualys-QA Policy Compliance Pune.

What is /etc directory and its importance?

How to take window machine under a domain?

What'll be the troubleshooting when a machine is not coming under a domain, despite domain exists?

Write a regular expression to find all such lines of file matching the string pattern.

Write a regular expression to find all such lines which matches the string pattern from line number 1-100.

What is iptables?

Simple SQL queries.

How to manage low severity and low priority bug when dev is not considering the bug for fix?

How do you perform estimation of task in SCRUM?

What is Test plan and Test Strategy?

What is tractability matrix?

What are the entries under file /etc/passwd?

How do you list all user running on the server?

What is permission and ownership in linux?

Without switching off firewal how incoming packet can be accepted by the host?

What is DNS, DHCP?

How to assign dynamic and static IP to a host?

Give an example of high priority and low severity bug?

Give an example of low priority and low severity bug?

In which case you need static IP of host?

What is TCP Protocol?

Puzzle :  The owner of a banana plantation has a camel. He wants to transport his 3000 bananas to the market, which is located after the desert. The distance between his banana plantation and the market is about 1000 KM. So he decided to take his camel to carry the bananas. The camel can carry at the maximum of 1000 bananas at a time, and it eats one banana for every KM it travels.

What is the largest number of bananas that can be delivered to the market?

Interview Questions for Thougthworks-QA Analyst Pune.

How to test pop-up notification of Gmail?

What are the 3rd party tool so far you have used with Selenium?

How and on what parameter you decide which Test-Case need automation?

You have food-panda app for testing. What approach you'll use to release the App?
In food-panda app you have a text box and apply button. The text box accepts vodafone free vouchers code to avail flat 50% off on all food items. There is vodafone server having its DB for checking validity of the voucher code.  How and what will be your approach to test this food  ordering App. 

What other case you'll handle apart from +ve/-ve scenario to above food ordering app.

Explain Form/Data validation happens on Client or Server side ? Give example

Explain SCRUM in 2 minutes?

Write +ve and -ve test-cases for testing white board.

Puzzle :

1. There are 9 ball  out of which 1 ball is faulty by weight. Look wise every ball appear same. You have only Weighing scale without weight. What will be the minimum attempt to find out the faulty ball.

2. You have four , arrange it in a pattern which makes every ball equi-distant from each other.

Interview Questions for Agrostar Pune.

Web-App testing techniques/approach.

Https code like 201/404/401/503/504 etc.

Curl/Wget command in Linux.

Shell script: search a pattern within file or directory.

Cron/crontab job for scheduling task.

Command to copy a file from one server to another server. How to verify copy is completed successfully?

Abstract class vs Interfaces.

Collections in Java: ArrayList / Vector / Map / Hashmap etc.

Small assignment to automate Web-Page to find a pattern occurrence.

Different types of testing: Stress / Load / Regression / Sanity / Smoke / Performance.

Severity Vs Priority of Bug.

Traceability Matrix

Content of test plan

Which bug you think most important/critical bug you have logged so far.

API Testing and tools used for it.

POST/GET request.

Security testing of web-app

Scenarios based question on troubleshooting.

Selenium : Xpath, automate test case for login to mail account, Identifiers, interfaces available in selenium, how to create driver object, difference between absolute and relative path, annotations, how to locate element in a web-page.

Interview Questions for VMware Bangalore.

What is Hypervisor, types of hypervisor and usage of it?

What is bare-metal?

How write operation performed on Logical Unit Number(LUN)?

How VM get created and what are the configuration needs to perform while creating Virtual Machine?

What is Filesystem? What Is Network Storage Filesystem?

What are the content of FC Frame?

What will be your troubleshooting steps when your LUN is not visible despite you have configured it?

What is LVM and why it is used?

In how many different ways you can run a loop for infinitely?

How will you redirect O/P and Error from a command on console as well as in a file?

Tell me something about Network Protocols you know? Explain them

How will you run the process in background?

What is typical sector size of a hard disk?

If the same WWN number is assigned to two different LUNs, at what level will the failure occur .

Interview Questions for FireEye Automation QA Engineer Pune.

3 rounds of interview with Principal Eng / QA Architect / QA Manager.

If Bsord occurred in windows desktop what will be your troubleshooting methodology? What will you do and how will you recover from it?

What is the usage of captcha on Web Application?

How will you ensure when millions of user logging on your web-app for login having captcha feature working for all users. Assuming QA has tested captcha on premise for 1-2 user and feature was working fine.

What should be the logging info in logger?

Write a program for printing first 100 Fibonacci series.

Write a program  where you have two array having some numbers in it.Find the common number between two arrays and store into new array. Print the common element.

Ans :

public class CommonNumber{
     public static void main(String []args){
        int[] arr1 = {4,7,3,9,2};
        int[] arr2 = {3,2,12,9,40,32,4};
        for(int i=0;i<arr1.length;i++){
            for(int j=0;j<arr2.length;j++){

Find a file in linux whose location you don't know. For eg looking for .log file?

Which command is used to view the memory usage dynamically?

Find a string which is present at the end of line?

What is Authorization and Authentication? How they differ?

Writes P0 and P1 negative and positive test-case to test application Notepad++

What is vulnerabilities. Give example of vulnerability in a software which can be exploited by attacker?

Scenario : You have chat bots like google chat, you have 1.0 version already running in the market and you have to released 2.0 version. What are the strategies from your side for deployment of 2.0 version?

What is checksum?

Scenario : Suppose you have a file myfile.txt having content as "Hello". Now perform following operation.
1. Open a file, traverse to last line, save and exit the file. Calculate the checksum lets say A.
2. Again open the file, go to the last line, hit backspace by deleting the character "o" and save the file. Calculate the checksum, lets say B.
3. Now again go the last line and add the character "o". Calculate the checksum, lets say C.

Now tell me if any relation between the checksum A/B/C, for eg : A=B=C or A=C!=B

You have your office laptop on which a software is present which performs if you copy any data using USB the data will be encrypted. If you are using another machine where software is not present then data will remain encrypted. Can you think of scenario for testing this software that how can you breach/test this software?

Scenario : a pop-up of anti-virus appears saying "Unable to connect to server", what will be you troubleshooting steps?

If two task arrives, first one belong release and another is customer escalation, both are high priority. You have one junior member in the team but he/she is not aware of the CRM. What will be your approach to handle the task?

What is virus? How will you protect your system from virus attack? Give possible solution.

Interview Questions for Microsoft QA Engineer Gurgaon.

Tell me about your working profile.

Entry & exit criteria of user acceptance test plan.

Difference b/w issue and error

Have you done non-functional testing, explain?

Difference b/w normal select query and stored procedure

We have infinite Red, Green, Blue balls in a bag, 3 balls are picked at random, what is the probability of finding 1Red, 1Green, 1blue ball?

What is the Max column allowed for a table in oracle database

Different types of indexes

WAP to reverse the string “I love my India” to “India my love I”

Types of integration testing?

Pros and cons of top-down integration testing.

What is Non-functional testing?

Interview Questions for Qualcomm Hyderabad - Lead Automation Test Engineer - Round-1

Brief about your profile?

What are the technology used for Frontend / Backend Testing in your projects?

Explain the process of handling releases?

How to connect to AWS via CLI. Explain the complete process and configuration required for it.

What are the AWS components you have worked? They may ask any of the component you mention

Write two programs 

1. Write a java program to print longest substring without repeating characters

2. Write program for send ALT/SHIFT/CONTROL keys simultaneously in Selenium WebDriver .

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